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Every Step You Take

Posted in New Posts, News on April 15th, 2010 by Troy Miles

Every step you take may be as important as every breath you take.   Each breath connects you with life on earth.  Each step  connects you with your physical life on earth.


Mathematical precision of movement is necessary for the proper functioning of any machine; otherwise the system would be prone to breakdowns and malfunction.   Human beings are machines, yet so many fail to utilize their bodies in the proper way mechanically.  So many structural ailments of the body can be directly attributed  to how individuals connect to the earth with their feet and subsequently how they function. 

Ideally we connect with emphasis on the front-foot area (pad) , while focusing on moving our  energy forward off the heel.

This promotes proper structure (body symmetry,  balance and stability) and proper body mechanics (torque and fluid movement).  Landing with energy moving back toward the  heel promotes an inward moving butt, which not only creates unhealthy torque on the system , but also  interferes with the natural  flow or transfer of the energy created by the feet.

As a result, movement (based on efficiency) becomes more laborious and moves outside of the natural (mathematical) rhythm of the body.   This promotes  poor posture, symmetry and will lead to physical issues over time.  For athletes, improper structure  diminishes athleticism and makes those in violation more susceptible to injury –especially the knee and back variety.

Everyone should learn to respect the power of every step on earth.  It will change the way you operate (as a machine), the way you look  and the way you feel.

Related: “Foot Mechanics is Quite the Feet” 

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