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Above the Crowd

Posted in New Posts, News on July 16th, 2011 by Troy Miles

How can you move the crowd? First of all how has your game evolved. Unless you standout during play (most every time out), your standing doesn’t lie in the company of top players.

Standing out against top players in basketball may perhaps be tougher than finding a needle in the mountains of Afghanistan or a doomsday leader hiding down the street from a military base in Pakistan.However, decisively less of a challenge with some type of guide that can get you there. Trouble is most players (particularly Do-Howers) aren’t too interested in any directions or road maps. They’re generally convinced they know how to get there — if they don’t already “know”…  in their own brain.  Trust me on this one (phff)…that’s the wrong know how.

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From Do-How to Know-How… Hopefully

Posted in New Posts, News on May 21st, 2010 by Troy Miles


Just being bigger, faster, quicker or jumping higher… won’t get you these guy’s jobs anytime soon


This era of the physical freak has morphed the game of basketball beyond physical recognition. It is becoming more and more difficult to compete on today’s athletic plane.

The odds of being the most physically gifted player on the court are quite slim. Even if you are today, you may not be tomorrow.

For sustained success you must continue to grow in your knowledge (Know-How) of the game and continue to sharpen your application of technique “virtually.”Moreover, the ability to manipulate time, space and opponents beyond the use of just basketball fundamentals is the trademark of a Virtual Player (VP)VP’s understand the math and science of the game. This application bridges the gap between the super-freak and the average athlete.

Of course, there will always be guys who have success off of what they can do physically or by way of trickery. These players operate on Do-How as opposed to Know-How. They are highly capable and often physical freaks of some sort. Too often however, their inadequate comprehension or application of fundamentals limits their chance for consistent success at high levels of play. Know-How will win the series against Do-How almost always.

This  discovery of optimization in Virtual Play has been absolutely fascinating and it never stops. Uncovering these truths and absolutes is the portal to peak performance … Technology will forever change. You must adapt to these changes, or be prepared to fall short of your basketball objectives.




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