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By the Time You Get to Where You’re Going

Posted in New Posts, News on June 5th, 2010 by Troy Miles


As kids we are taught to dream big and work like hell to make them come true.   Well, don’t believe the hype — at least not entirely.  Dreams do come true (it COULD happen to you)- perhaps you’ve heard the jingle?  Yes, they may come true , but only if you do what must be done to embody who you want to be.  

Hoop dreamer

“What are the chances of randomly acquiring the necessary skill sets to become a top player? As a result, “stars” are rare.  That means most players are in desperate need of the right information or materials to become the diamond of their dreams…” 

In basketball, like many endeavors,  there’s such a narrow window in which to actualize as a  top performer- particularly if you have aspirations of playing collegiately or professionally. Often times, hoop dreams turn to hoop hopes, which  turn to unanswered prayers. Those that continue to live the dream are but  hopeless dreamers, desperately trying to get through a window that will never re-open. This is the case in all sports, but painfully true  in basketball.

Truthfully, the window was never really open. Of  the  myriad of  challenges  on the road to a college scholarship or NBA opportunity – being skilled enough is certainly one of them. It seems that  so many skilled individuals  never quite make it to the big-time. On closer look, these players typically have “little things” missing from their games.  Those trace elements of successful play that typically go unnoticed by most (players),  because they’re unknown by most – and that includes far too many modern coaches. 

 As a result,  individuals never quite get what they really need to make it happen – unless they somehow randomly acquire the skill sets. This makes many so close… yet so far away from their goals.

The key is preparing yourself  properly as quickly as possible to fit inside the limited time frame available to capitalize.

Think of how many people would be high school stars,  if they were allowed to participate years after their eligibility.   This holds true for every level.  There are former college players  playing in Men’s and Women’s leagues across the country who would kill in college.  However, with their eligibility gone… so is their opportunity.

What is needed is some sort of guide to help you down the path. The guide could be an individual, reference material or both.

This way, there’s a greater opportunity to make it to the Big-time ….in Real-time!

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From Do-How to Know-How… Hopefully

Posted in New Posts, News on May 21st, 2010 by Troy Miles


Just being bigger, faster, quicker or jumping higher… won’t get you these guy’s jobs anytime soon


This era of the physical freak has morphed the game of basketball beyond physical recognition. It is becoming more and more difficult to compete on today’s athletic plane.

The odds of being the most physically gifted player on the court are quite slim. Even if you are today, you may not be tomorrow.

For sustained success you must continue to grow in your knowledge (Know-How) of the game and continue to sharpen your application of technique “virtually.”Moreover, the ability to manipulate time, space and opponents beyond the use of just basketball fundamentals is the trademark of a Virtual Player (VP)VP’s understand the math and science of the game. This application bridges the gap between the super-freak and the average athlete.

Of course, there will always be guys who have success off of what they can do physically or by way of trickery. These players operate on Do-How as opposed to Know-How. They are highly capable and often physical freaks of some sort. Too often however, their inadequate comprehension or application of fundamentals limits their chance for consistent success at high levels of play. Know-How will win the series against Do-How almost always.

This  discovery of optimization in Virtual Play has been absolutely fascinating and it never stops. Uncovering these truths and absolutes is the portal to peak performance … Technology will forever change. You must adapt to these changes, or be prepared to fall short of your basketball objectives.




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Listen to the Message

Posted in New Posts, News on May 5th, 2010 by Troy Miles

It’s easy to half-hear and miss critical elements that connect understanding – even when  you’re interested in the information. Program yourself to listen  intently to the “message of the moment.”

The brain is extremely clever about  creating distraction — particularly when change is involved.  Be aware of tendencies that may stop you from actually getting the most out of exchanges.  Think about when you miss a key word and get behind in a conversation. Sometimes it’s hard to catch up, but who wants to appear as if they weren’t listening?  If you are interested in a particular message, you may find these rules of engagement helpful.

1) Be aware of defensiveness to new or “different” information.  Program yourself to resist the urge to suppress, discount or disprove. Give yourself a chance to grow.  Your brain will try to use your emotions (fears, doubts) against you to derail progress.

2) Open your “Circle of Understanding.” It’s tough because  you already  have a full circle of everything you know presently.  Unfortunately, you don’t know what you don’t know.  Therefore, circles come in all sizes.  Get in the habit of allowing yourself  to think of new information as potentially  upgradable or expandable material rather than as a replacement program per se.  This will help your brain cooperate and allow you to fully engage in the exchange.  This is key in conceptualizing what is being said.  There’s usually something of value in the words. By opening your “Circle” you’ll be better  able to determine the V level or validity of the message.  If the information is verifiable and you see how you can benefit, the  crucial next step is to get past your brain to start the process of integration or expanding your circle of information and skill.

3) Don’t allow yourself to feel overwhelmed.  Ask as many questions as necessary to move forward.

4) Incorporate “Mental Repetition.” (see: “Mind Matters… Over and Over”)  Take time out (30 minutes) to revisit the new information in your head.  It’s amazing how much it impacts retention and performance.

The ear hears, the brain receives  and your job is to make sense of the information and put it to use.

Education = Acquisition          Application = Performance



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Are Pros Just Ho’s

Posted in New Posts, News on March 27th, 2010 by Troy Miles

I tried to warn  you m@#%f’s (I guess I can say that in a Blog) ineMPTy Without It. Maybe you got the  message … maybe you didn’t. Ok. Sorry for the harsh tone, but it seems to be the kind of verbage y’all  can relate to.  I guess it’s true… pimpin ain’t easy.

Everybody seems to have a personal trainer. But… the question is… is he or she a developer (“Gainer”) or like most–a “Maintainer?” Like I said before, “maintainers” have a certain value, only they’re just what the term implies– maintenance people. Can’t have a fancy high-rise without a maintenance plan . The structure would lose its value before its time ( I agree). That’s why Maintainers are great for what they do and necessary for top-level competitors. But who in the world would hire a maintenance person to build an annex, a new floor or even remodel a facility.  Maybe an architect, or developer… but a maintenance person only!?  WTF#@$?!

So I ask. Why are so many top-level players hiring maintenance people for “additions” to their game? I’m curious what the maintainers are saying to these guys and gals to get them to believe they are actually changing skill levels. Unless, it’s the players simply taking advantage of the “luxury” of not having to change too much and being satisfied with where they are (maybe scuurrred….. of work of this type– at least). I understand the reluctance. Being good, outrageous and ridiculous already makes it even harder (psychologically) to initiate change and get better beyond that. Plus, programming new information into your  (brain) and in many cases, over-writing existing programs, is no joke.

On top of that, it seems that too many top-level Maintainers are “Pimps” who have positioned themselves with ridiculous “game” of their own.  I know of one “top flight” maintainer who never played or coached… but he did go to law school and presumably slept at a Holiday Inn?  Maybe that’s when he came up with his workouts and the lyrics needed to sway his faithful following.

So if Trainers or Maintainers are “pimps”, doesn’t that make the players with maintainance people Ho’s? I mean they are giving up that booty and Maintainers do fly around city to city collecting checks. I’d like to get my hands on an audio of one of the sessions…

“Say Mayne… look here! I need you ta dribble down to da blue right der there three times, wit two basketbawls. Ima strap diss here harness around yo sculptid lil waist… hah, hah. Then I want you to make six jumpas wit me holdn owne to da pulley. Nahmean?

Now if you can make jumpas with me hangin on yo ass… you can dam sho make em when it counts in da in the game wid ain’t nobody holdn you ….hanhanhan!!!!! Nahumsayn?”

I don’t understand why so many players accept staying the same or settling for the marginal gains of the common “workout.” If you’re a level 80 player, It IS still possible to get better, and I don’t  just mean in better shape. Getting in better shape will enable you to demonstrate your current skills more easily– perhaps; but it won’t get you to level 85 or beyond in terms of your skill development.

I  hope you haven’t been duped to believe you’re maxed out (skill-wise) and all you have to do is get a little wiser…the 100th percentile of function, across all skill sets, is a long way off— even if your name is Kobe or LeBron. Tragically, convincing most players they’re “there” isn’t that hard since so many players have a higher opinion of themselves than the level they are actually on.

The maintainer swoops in and convinces you they are the answer to keeping you where you are (in the league?) a few years longer? I don’t know. I don’t claim to understand the Pimp game…but it seems to work quite well on the street and in basketball . You would think at some point the Ho would call BS on the arrangement. Yet it remains a thriving industry… for the Pimp.

Is there a solution? Is there anyone  or any model– other than Virtual Play, that verifiably pushes any player to the next level (regardless of what level he or she  may be  on). Most of the time people  pick up a drill here and a drill there…maybe they ‘re even privy to “top-level” workouts. After they’ve collected enough drills, they start calling themselves “Trainers.”  But at the end of the day what they offer is … Yep– a workout.

Either you have a optimization plan to move your game towards the 100th percentile of function (the basketball Matrix) or you don’t!!!!! Any thing short of that is just good “game.” What you really want is a good “Gainer.”

Related: Virtual Training


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