The mind must contain the horses of the brain.
The brain can take you where you want to go, but can also take you other places not so pleasant. The lesson? YOU must show the brain the way to have things go your way. This is something you can’t ignore.
( “Listen to the Message”)
Alas, the brain is but a tool and fear its great inhibitor, tis why for gain, the rule for you is to steer nerves to the perimeter… and show them the door.
How else can you absorb the distractions, noise and summon the poise to perform on the floor. What’s more, you must be environment proof (whatever the scoop) or your skills too can go poof … and so can minutes. Getting them back … a helluva chore.
Only be scared if you’re not prepared. Even then fight to win. But, if you know what to do, then you gotta break through the shackles of doubt and continue to deliver what’s on the menu. Anything less than 130% of self MUST NOT CONTINUE. What’s all the work for?
It’s C.A.M. (Calm Assertive Mind) … THAT’S THE PLAN.
Inside you’ll find the keys to unwind and relax perhaps. Especially when there’s chips to stack and circumstances to smack. Put “i n” to it , if you’re tense and get intense. Instead of allowing brain tricks, do a brain shift. Change the F in fear to G and let your mind ride free of indecision and apprehension. They’re a no-win proposition and usually around when performance is poor.
Oh, by the way did I mention…
Confidence is the key to your tool box, fear and it’s sphere of doubt are the locks. So get inside yourself to find wealth (“What You See… Is What You Get”). Without it it’s tough for jocks to tick-tock and see clock. Forget about the crowd roar.
I know I’ve said nothing you haven’t heard before. There’s nothing new Son… especially under the basketball Sun. But things are always changing. And how you adjust to the constant flux will determine which reality you land on.
I implore you to employ all you have in store to sip from the cup of joy.